Here are some Netwinder links I found interesting. These are basically the people with accounts that had user pages with content I found useful.


Brian's Netwinder Page
Chris Lesiak's NetWinder Page
Ira's Diskless 'Winders
Jamie's NetWinder page
Mailing Lists
Linux and the Conservatives....
mmontour's page
NetWinder Logo Page
Ralph's NetWinder Homepage
Ryan Shillington's Cool Netwinder Page
//Stany's Scribbles
Inside my Netwinder
Ralph's fan modification
Ralph's Netwinder internals

I had trouble finding Ralph's fan in stock at any distributors, but DigiKey carries Sunon part number KDE1203PFB1-8 which is similar. I couldn't link directly to the page for the part but their Part Search will bring it up. Just click the Search button below. You can also look at the catalog page for the fan.

DigiKey part search